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1. What is a pedigree?

A pedigree is a genealogical graph or table which records the relationship of families by degrees. Drawing a pedigree is always an essential step in genetic counseling. In medical records, a pedigree is also useful to document the family history of the patient. Drawing a pedigree is also necessary in collecting genetic resources for medical research such as positional cloning.

2. What is PediDrawTM?

PediDrawTM is an online pedigree drawing tool which enables you to generate your pedigree after you input your family information step-by-step. It is easy-learning and user-friendly without using any drawing software.

What you have to do is to follow these three steps:

  Registration and login as shown in the right-hand side boxes.

  Click or fill in the fields in the serial tables as required. "Help" information is always with you.

  Confirm and submit your family data. A table or graph will be automatically generated which can be saved in your computer or printed directly.

To protect the privacy of your family information, you can delete your submitted data from our database after you save your table or graph.

The PediDrawTM is registered in The National Copyright Administration of People's Republic of China (No. 2006SRBJ2033). All rights are reserved.

If you refer this PediDraw in a publication or use it for drawing a pedegree, please cite this:
He M, Li W. PediDraw: A web-based tool for drawing a pedigree in genetic counseling.BMC Med Genet, 2007, 8:31.
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Designed by LiWei's Lab, All Rights Reserved.